Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society
Development and Policy Committee
Strategic Plan 2014-18
Introduction This Strategic Plan is the first in recent years and provides broad aims for the Society at the strategic level over the next five years; it will be reviewed annually.
The charitable objects of the Society are: "to promote for the public benefit the study and understanding of archaeology, natural history, and history with particular reference to the historic County of Somerset". Since its foundation in 1849 and acquisition of Taunton Castle in 1874, it has taken into its care nationally important museum, library and archive collections that are now jointly managed under legal agreements with the Somerset County Council (SCC) Heritage Service.
The Society is an important, single point of contact for anyone with an interest in understanding and protecting the heritage of Somerset. The members, acting through the Society’s Trustees, are the guardians of both the Taunton Castle estate and the collections under their charge for the people of Somerset. They are able to provide enthusiastic and knowledgeable champions and mentors to support Somerset’s heritage.
The Society is operating in a rapidly changing and competitive environment. On the one hand, for example, we face adapting to rapidly developing technology, competing for members amidst increased opportunities for the use of leisure time, and the severe pressures on public funding. On the other hand, we see increased public interest in SANHS subject material, the availability of HLF capital funding and an influx of professional retirees from outside the County.
The Society in 2013
After operating for several years without a full Executive team the Society elected four active officers at the May Annual General Meeting; regrettably one has since had to resign on grounds of ill health. These appointments, however, only last for one year and the urgent need to find an effective method of succession planning is recognised; consistent, engaged, leadership is fundamental to the success of the Society. A complete overhaul of the Society’s governance is nearing completion, the care and management of our museum collection is now in hand, changes to the 2006 Constitution are with the Charity Commission and Trustee training has started.
Decreased annual costs, increased subscriptions and other income for 2012 resulted in a markedly improved financial position but still with a small negative net balance of operating funds that was made up from reserves. The Society plans to produce a small net positive balance of unrestricted funds during the current FY 2013 and continues to provide grants from restricted funds to individuals and teams for research projects.
The Society also continues to arrange quality symposia supported by renowned speakers from across the County and beyond. Work progresses with Somerset County Council to regenerate the Society’s collections and its assets in the Taunton Castle estate. The successful refurbishment of Castle House is complete, with opportunities for future benefits, and serious consideration is now being given to the best way forward for the Wyndham Hall.
The decline in the Society’s membership appears to have been halted and recruiting initiatives are beginning to take effect. Members are starting to take a more active role in meeting the Society’s charitable objects and, in doing so, raising the long neglected profile of SANHS. The Society has again started to develop relationships with partners and Associated Societies across the County.
All that said, the most significant event in 2013 for the Society has been the SCC review into the future of the Heritage Service and the recent Cabinet decision to devolve this activity to a new Trust. Conceived to give more freedom to the Heritage Service, the move to a Trust is primarily driven by the need for large savings in the Council budget over the period of this Plan. As the SCC and SANHS are bound together in a complex legal and operational relationship there are potentially serious risks to the Society’s assets, charitable objects and interests.
Strategic aims for 2014 – 2018
SA1. Management
Establish and implement a process for providing the Society with consistent, committed, competent, volunteer leadership and cost effective administration delivering compliant outcomes.
SA2. Public Funding
Ensure that current service levels within our legal agreements, the condition and security of the Society’s assets and the ability to deliver its charitable objectives are, at worst, undamaged by cuts in public funding and the advent of a Somerset Heritage Trust.
SA3. Finance
Maintain the Society’s unrestricted funds in regular modest surplus; ensure the restricted and endowed funds are differentiated, their purpose understood, and governance in place; make regular appropriate grants of funds across all disciplines so that the Society is seen to be prudently benevolent; and establish fundraising procedures as a primary objective to support the Society’s activities.
SA4. Assets
Maintain and, where practicable, improve the professional management of the Society’s collections and Taunton Castle estate for the public benefit; increasing access to, and knowledge of, the rich heritage in its care.
SA5. Engagement
Increase the engagement of decision makers, key partners, universities and teaching institutions, Associated Societies, members, the public and young people, across the
historic county and more widely, both in the research and study of the archaeology, natural history and history of Somerset and in the preservation of Somerset’s heritage.
SA6. Profile
Recognise, celebrate and communicate understanding of Somerset’s heritage and its relevance and significance for the county’s future so as to develop a widely shared concept of a ‘Somerset Heritage Community’ with the Society at its centre.
The period of this Plan requires that immediate priority be given to SA2 Public Funding: the preservation of the Society’s assets and charitable objects in the face of cuts in public provision. The second most important item is SA1 Management: to put in place effective and sustainable management.
In assessing priorities for the strategic aims and objectives in this Plan, the Board will need to balance the longer term development of the Society against the day to day need to deliver its charitable objects.
Business Plan
This Strategic Plan will be supported by an annual Business Plan, prepared by the F&GP Committee and approved by the Board. The Business Plan will set out the activities to be delivered during the financial year in support of the overall strategy and will be funded by the annual Budget.
November 2013